Sake on The Table

Vinitaly 2017 VERONA APRIL 9-12
①Kanzan Junmai-Ginjo.
Kanzan means another name of Chuson-ji Temple in the world heritage HIRAIZUMI. This is clear taste . 
②Ohho Nigori
              This is sweet cloudy sake. Good for sake cocktail with milk.
③Kimoto Tokubetsu Junmai-shu.
This sake is made by traditional technique “Kimoto”.
Rich and pleasant acidic taste. ④Manahim
It has sweet and light taste with low alcohol. ⑦Juemon 
Juemon is named after this brewery founder and has a mellow flavor.
This sake is not diluted with added water. ⑧Kijoshu. 
“Kijo-shu” is partly made from sake, which is normally replaced by water for brewing, and aged for longer than 5 years. Its color is brown and has sweet and deep flavor.
⑥Yukiguni monogatari
An elegant sake with a fruity aroma.
It has a gold medal on London Sake Callenge (2012-2014). ⑤Kirinotoh  
All raw materials are from Niigata.
It has a mellow taste.
➉Chiyomusubi Junmai Ginjo Goriki 50.
It has a well balanced umami and acidity.
This sake goes well with fish dishes. ⑨Chiyomusubi Junmai Daiginjo Goriki 40 .
This sake is mdade from “Goriki”rice that is caltivated in only Tottori.
It has a mild taste and clean finish.

関山 純米吟醸 おっほー 生もと 特別純米酒 低アルコール純米酒 まな姫
純米吟醸 霧の塔 吟醸酒 ユキグニ モノガタリ 十右衛門 貴醸酒
千代むすび 純米大吟醸 強力 40 千代むすび 純米吟醸 強力50    

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